So pleased to see Wendy Mewes here - another lover of our exceptional magical Forêt; and so pleased to read once again the excerpt from my favourite book of hers.

If you relate to space and solitude in liminal places (especially Finistère in Brittany), I recommend this blog.

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You inspired me to do it! Thank you.

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Sorry Roselle and Isobel, but our Finistere is not the shipping forecast one. That was Cap Finisterre in Spain. But the words do have magic, even though the decision to call the westernmost department that at the time of the Revolutikon was not really a positive thing... I write about this one day! Thank you for your kind comment.

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Wendy, having discovered that the equivalent of Father Christmas doesn't exist, I'm going to slink back into bed in a sulk. That is shocking news. Another dream bites the dust.

Please do write about it, though of course I will be sunk deeper and deeper into gloom.

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Ha, ha! It is sometimes a cruel old place, dreamworld, but reality can be just as magical. Most of my writing is based on that tenet. I shall try to cheer you up with the next post.

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Love this. There is something magical and wild about reading the word Finistere which makes me want to read on. I wasn’t disappointed.

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Thank you, Isobel. You may well have inspired me on another topic!

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Oo sounds exciting

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Thank you, Isobel. That's a lovely comment.

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Isobel, I agree with that. 'Finistère' sends shivers, doesn't it?

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Yes. I think it might be the pictures conjured up by the old shipping forecasts.

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Isobel YES! Exactly! Before they changed Finistère to Fitzroy (spit). I love that in Breton it's Penn ar Bed, which can mean either 'end' or 'beginning' (of the land).

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Wonderful to see you setting up here, looks great. I think your work will be very well suited to this form. Looking forward to joining you on this new adventure, bonne route!

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Feb 25·edited Feb 25

This is a wonderful opening piece, Wendy, about the forest you love so much. Your words always capture so much of what I feel in a landscape.. but those feelings only get given a voice as I read your descriptions. I'll look forward to many more.. enjoy this new venture!

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