Love this - particularly the astute comment that ‘To discover what we need to thrive and then stick like leaches to those conditions is not possible for everyone’. Even if it’s not possible all the time you’ve reminded me that seeking out the best writerly spaces once in a while is often enough.

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Thank you very much for that lovely comment. I suppose I was reminding myself mainly. At the end of a book is hard place to be!

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I read all that with interest, nodding as I went, Wendy. The last paragraph tied it all up beautifully. And your brother sounds like quite a gift. Thank you.

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Thanks, Roselle. I know you will understand!

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Thanks, Jan. Hope your writing space is working out well.

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What a good read, thanks for that!

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Thank you, Lucy. That's a really encouraging response!

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Interesting words, and useful for me as I embark on a challenging new writing project...

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Thanks, Alan. Looking forward to hearing/seeing more about this. I wish I was at the beginning of something not the end!

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