This is so rich and informative, Wendy. I've used some peices of this floklore in a previous novel and it's fascinating to read your take on them and the depth of knowledge.

I'm also really resonating with your first paragraph -- that's a fantastic insight into feeling at home. How the mildness allows us in. My youngest daughter worked in Indonesia last year and found it really hard -- lots of reasons but one of them was the climate -- she's worked in China and Korea and not felt the same, particularly in Korea which she loves. But the climate and landscape of Indonesia is definitely one of extremes and that was part of what kept her outside. So it was really interesting to read this from the other side and rings so true.

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Thanks, Jan. I gave a talk on legends and landscape last week and wanted to explore a few things from that here. Glad it had some resonance for you.

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see you on Tuesday -- are you signing around 4pm?

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Yes, I'll be there!

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I loved this one, too, Wendy: its breadth and range and insight. I also liked the fact that it was a longer read, so went into more depth.

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Wonderful writing, beautifully illustrated too. I love the Anatole le Braz quotation.

Good luck for the signing!

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Lucy, thank you so much for your support. I'll be back in the Rance area in June, so hope to see you.

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